IPMA is the national meteorological authority for maritime purposes and has a unique national program for the prediction and analysis of the boundary layer of the atmosphere and the underlying ocean, aiming at the safety of life and people at sea (areas of responsibility). Marine Meteorology is a field of interaction between Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, and its objective is the study the physics of the lower atmosphere in oceanic zone and the prediction of the sea state.
At IPMA, Marine Meteorology comprises four areas of activity, namely Coordination, Observation, Modeling and Watch. Its main activities are training, observation, development and validation of SWAN model for Mainland Portugal area and for the Azores and Madeira islands. Additionally, the objective verification of the ECMWF wave model products is performed on a regular basis. The wave model outputs are also provided to various users. Marine Meteorology studies and applications are also developed, namely in area of marine climatology, with a goal of improving the products already operational at IPMA.
As a result of this work, there has been an increase in the products offer and in the capability of IPMA to respond to external demands. Concerning National and International Co-operation, an active participation in the Portuguese Committee for IOC is being developed, simultaneously with improved co-operation/interconnection with Universities and other Administration Sectors, namely with other State Laboratories.