At IPMA the sea state forecasts are based on the model developed in the ECMWF (, namely the High RESolution WAve Model (HRES-WAM), global model with a spatial resolution of 0.125°. The model has a spectral discretization of 36 frequencies and 36 directions. IPMA has still implemented the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model in the adjacent region to Portugal mainland, with a 0.05° horizontal resolution and a spectral discretization of 36 frequencies and 36 directions to support forecasting.
SWAN is a third-generation wave, developed at Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), Holanda ( At IPMA, SWAN runs over three domains, Mainland Portugal area and for the Azores and Madeira, with a horizontal resolution of 0.05 and a spectral discretization of 36 frequencies and 36 directions. SWAN is forced by the 10 m wind field from the atmospheric model HRES from ECMWF which runs at IPMA with 9 km horizontal resolution, and by the spectral density from the High RESolution WAve Model (HRES-WAM) (, which has a horizontal resolution of 0.1° and a spectral discretization of 36 frequencies and 36 directions.