2025-03-12 (IPMA)
The first progress meeting of the Wind Farm-Environment project was held on March 7th, at the IPMA facilities in Algés, with the participation of around 40 researchers, technicians and students.
Characterize the areas defined in the Allocation Plan for Offshore Renewable Energies (PAER) in Mainland Portugal and produce reference data for defining the scope of future environmental impact studies are the objectives of this project, that follows a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, covering topics such as ocean circulation, hydrography, contaminants, productivity, biodiversity, trophic relationships and spatial distribution of plankton, nekton and marine megafauna.
The meeting presented the current status and the plan for 2025 of the project tasks of this project, that is part of the PRR RepowerEU contract “Technical studies for offshore energy potential” (RP-C21-i07.01)”.
The project is coordinated by IPMA researcher Alexandra Silva, and has the participation of teams from the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) and several research centers (CCMAR, CEAUL, CESAM, CE3C, CIIMAR, IDL, MARE and FARM-ID).
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