The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, I. P. (IPMA, IP), is a public institution, part of the indirect administration of State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets.
IPMA, I. P. carries out the duties of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, under the supervision and tutelage of the respective ministers.
The definition of strategic guidelines and the setting of objectives for IPMA, I. P., as well as the monitoring of their implementation, are coordinated with the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
IPMA has responsibilities at national territory level in the areas of the sea and atmosphere. Focusing its research efforts on projects that accrue to direct applications for use in operating activities, pursuing continuous improvement in the information made available to its users whether for commercial use or public service and in particular directed to the safeguard of people and property.
- IPMA's Organic Law IPMA
Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 57 - 20 março 2012- Alteration to Decree-Law no. 68_2012, of 20 March - article 18 of Decree-Law no. 75_2024, of 22 October
Decreto-Lei n.º 75/2024, de 22 de outubro 2024 - Alteration to Decree-Law n.º 68_2012, of 20 March - article 18º of Decree-Law n.º 236_2015, of 14 October
Decreto-Lei n.º 236/2015 de 14 de outubro 2024
- Alteration to Decree-Law no. 68_2012, of 20 March - article 18 of Decree-Law no. 75_2024, of 22 October
- IPMA's Statutes
DR 1.ª série - N.º 193 - 4 outubro 2012 - IPMA's Fusion Process
Despacho n.º 6623/2017 — DR 2.ª série - n.º 147 - 1 de agosto 2017 - Management and Planning Tools