2013-02-25 (IPMA)
An analysis of data from Marktest Netpanel site shows how the weather service is the most accessed sites between the Government and Public Institutions, responsible for 26% of the pages and for 33% of the time is devoted to them.
From January to November 2012 were 3,881,000 residents in the mainland with 4 years old and over who accessed government websites or public institutes from personal computers, which corresponds to 73.2% of Internet nationals.
In this period, there were 774 million pages visited sites of Administration, an average of 199 per user.
The total time browsing these sites exceeded 525,000 hours, an average of 1 hour and 21 minutes per user. It was in September that more users accessed these sites, totaling 2,165,000, unlike January, which received 1,295,000 unique users.