2016-09-01 (IPMA)
August 2016 extremely hot and dry.
August 2016 average maximum temperature, 32.2 °C was the highest since 1931 and tied with August 2003 (anomaly of +3.4 °C above 1971-2000 normal).
The average mean temperature, 24.2 °C (anomaly of +2.0 °C) was the 5th highest value since 1931 (after 2003, 1949, 2010 and 2005) and the average minimum temperature, 16.1 °C was 0.6 °C above normal.
Summer (june, july, august) 2016 extremely hot and dry.
The average maximum temperature was the highest since 1931 (30.6 °C, anomaly of +2.9 °C)
2nd hottest summer on record; the average of mean temperature was 23.0 °C, 1.8 °C above normal.
6 of the 10 warmest summers occurred after 2000; 2005 was the warmest summer.
July 2016, August 2016 and August 2003 have the highest monthly maximum temperature (32.2 ° C). In August 2003 an unprecedented heatwave occurred in Europe.
5th driest summer of the last 86 years (after 1938, 1996, 2005 and 1965). The precipitation amount, 20 mm, was around 30% with respect to the 1971-2000 normal.
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