2017-07-06 (IPMA)
In Portugal mainland the spring of 2017, defined by the months of March, April and May, was very hot and very dry (see figure). This was the third hottest spring since 1931, after 1997 (16.47°C) and 2011 (15.85°C), with the average temperature in the quarter being 15.64°C, +2.04°C higher than normal value.
The maximum air temperature value, 22.04°C was the 2nd highest since 1931, with an anomaly of +5.09°C (highest value in 1997, 22.48°C); And the mean value of the minimum air temperature, 9.24°C, was 0.75°C higher than the normal value.
Regarding precipitation, the average value observed in the March-May quarter of 158.9mm was lower than the average value corresponding to 75% of the normal value. Lower values of precipitation have occurred in 20% of the years since 1931.
Of note during spring 2017:
• High values of air temperature in March: On 9th and 10th the values of maximum temperature equaled or exceeded the previous higher values for the month of March in some places of the interior regions North and Center;
• Exceptionally hot weather in April:
• Temperature values, in particular the maximum temperature much higher than the respective average values.
• Deviations from maximum temperature values in relation to average values above 10°C, in most of the territory (except in the Algarve) and on almost every day; The greater deviations, above 13 ° C, occurred, in general, on days 10 to 12.
• Heat waves:
• April: a large spatial (almost all territory) and temporal extension (more than 20 days in the districts of Bragança, Guarda and Castelo Branco), which can be considered the most significant observed in April since 1941.
• May, (days 20 to 27) in the interior regions of North and Center and Alentejo, lasting from 6 to 8 days.
• Snow fall
It occurred in the period 23 to 27 of March in the highlands, reaching low levels, 400 to 500 m of altitude in the North interior;
• Meteorological drought:
• April: significant increase in drought, particularly in the North and Central regions; On April 30th about 96% of the territory was in weak to moderate drought.
• May: relief in the northwest region of the territory and a worsening in the South; On 31 May about 70% of the territory was in the moderate drought class.
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