2016-11-08 (IPMA)
The month of October was characterized by two kinds of distinct weather, being rainy and dry.
The average mean air temperature was 17.62°C, with an anomaly of +1.41°C of the normal value, being the 5th highest since 2000. Regarding the average value of maximum air temperature, 23.31°C, was far superior to the normal value with +2.08°C, matching the 4th highest since 2000. Also the mean value of minimum temperature 11.91°C was above normal, with +0.72°C anomaly.
During the month two periods of warm weather occurred, one in the beginning and the other by the end of the month, both with very high values of maximum and minimum temperature. Also on the 26th and 27th an heat wave occurred that lasted 6 to 7 days in the North and Center regions.
The total amount of precipitation was 75% of the normal value and the month was characterized as dry. It is necessary to mention that between the 23rd and 25th of October, heavy rain occurred in inner Lower Alentejo and Algarve and more than 20 mm of rain were registered in 24 hours.