2016-12-16 (IPMA)
The month of November 2016, in Continental Portugal, was classified as normal, regarding the amount of precipitation and air temperature.
The mean value of both mean air temperature (12.11°C) and maximum air temperature (16.99°C) were close to the normal value, with anomalies of -0.26°C and +0.17°C respectively; The mean value of minimum air temperature (7.23°C) was lower than normal, with an anomaly of -0.68°C.
In the first days of the last decade there was a marked decrease in temperature values, especially the minimum temperature, which remained below normal until the end of the month.
It should be noted that in the period of 21 to 27, the territory was under the influence of a complex depression, which was associated to a cold front. This situation extended throughout the country and led to rainy periods, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds. On the 26th, at Fundão meteorological station, was recorded the highest value of precipitation in 24 hours of 91.0 mm.
At the end of November, there was a decrease in the area under a weak drought, with 47% of the area in this class of drought, with an increase of the area in normal situation and of weak rainfall.