2017-06-05 (IPMA)
The month of May 2017 in Portugal mainland was extremely hot regarding air temperature and normal regarding precipitation.
This was the third warmer month of May since 1931, after 2011 and 2015. The average value of average air temperature was 18.47°C, +2.74°C above the normal value. The mean value of maximum air temperature, 24.96°C, was the 2nd highest since 1931, with an anomaly of +4.0°C, and the mean value of minimum temperature 11.99°C was +1.49°C above normal.
During this month the temperature suffered great variations, with high values of maximum air temperature, much higher than the normal values for the month, especially from 20th May. The hottest days were observed from 23rd to 25th May, with values of average temperature above 23°C and mean maximum temperature values above 30°C.
The highest values of maximum air temperature, ≥ 35 ° C, were registered on 24th and 25th May.
In the period from 20 to 27 May there was a heat wave in the interior regions of North and Center and Alentejo.
Regarding precipitation, the month of May was classified as normal, with a mean value of continental precipitation of 66.1 mm, corresponding to 93% of the mean value.
According to the Palmer Drought Severity Index - PDSI, at the end of the month the meteorological drought situation continues in almost all the territory of Portugal Mainland, with respect to April 30, a reduction in the northwest region of the territory and worsening in the South region, with the increase of the area in moderate drought. At the end of this month about 70% of the territory was in the moderate drought class.