2017-08-07 (IPMA)
July 2017 in mainland Portugal was dry and hot.
The average value of the average air temperature was 0.56°C higher than normal value, with the average value of maximum air temperature being 30.22°C, the 11th highest since 1931, with an anomaly of + 1.5°C, however the mean value of minimum air temperature, 15.26°C, was 0.4°C lower than the normal value.
The period between 2 to 4 July and 12 to 17 July were very hot, with very high values of maximum temperature. In mainland Portugal, July 13th was the warmest, with 27.3°C of average temperature (+5.0°C above normal); 36.4°C maximum temperature (+7.7°C compared to normal) and 18.2°C minimum temperature (+2.5°C compared to normal).
In the above mentioned periods, temperatures of ≥ 30°C (hot days) were observed in more than 80% of the stations and values of maximum temperature ≥ 35°C (very hot days) in more than 50% of the stations. In these days, maximum temperature values were higher than 40°C in the interior regions, and the highest temperature value, 46.2°C, was recorded in Amareleja on 13th.
A heat wave occurred in the period from 12 to 17 July lasting 6/7 days in the interior regions.
Regarding precipitation, the month of July was classified as dry, with a mean precipitation value of 5.3mm, which corresponds to 38% of the mean value. According to the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), at the end of July the meteorological drought situation continues in almost all the territory of mainland Portugal, being verified a relief in the North interior region and a worsening in the interior of Alentejo. At the end of this month about 79% of the territory was in severe (69.6%) and extreme drought (9.2%).