2022-06-17 (IPMA)
n the frame of A-Fish-DNA-Scan project (CIRCNA/BRB/0156/2019) and his PhD thesis (DFA/BD/6653/2020), both funded by FCT, André Ferreira presented the study “Testing COI primers for ichthyoplankton metabarcoding and their capability to assess local mesozooplankton communities” at the International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity (ICDBB), May 25-27, Sofia, Bulgaria. The abstract was published in ARPHA Conference Abstracts
O. Ferreira A, Barroso C, Cruz J, Duarte S, Egas C, Gomes P, Oliveira C, E. Vieira P, Piecho-Santos AM, O. Costa F (2022) Testing COI primers for ichthyoplankton metabarcoding and their capability to assess local mesozooplankton communities. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 5: e87495. https://doi.org/10.3897/aca.5.e87495
André Ferreira is a PhD student of the Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA), Department of Biology, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, developing a thesis on “DNA-based monitoring of ichthyoplankton for application to fish biodiversity conservation and fisheries management”, supervised by Filipe Costa (CBMA, Dept. Biology, Univ. Minho) and A. Miguel Piecho-Santos (IPMA/CCMAR). The project “A-Fish-DNA-Scan project: Cutting-edge DNA-based approaches for improved monitoring and management of fisheries resources along Magellan-Elcano´s Atlantic route” (CIRCNA/BRB/0156/2019), is funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). Its main goal is the DNA-based approaches for species identification of ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae); to conduct a comparable proof-of-concept study in the 3 partner Atlantic countries (Portugal, Cape Verde and Brazil); to explore the potential of seawater environmental DNA (e DNA) as a non-invasive approach for coastal fish species monitoring; and the DNA-based monitoring data with high spatial and temporal density in support of fish stock assessment and fisheries management (e.g. spawning areas and seasons, recruitment, etc. simultaneously for multiple fish species).