2016-01-19 (IPMA)
JASON-3 was successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on 17 January. It is the most recent of its series, allowing the estimation of sea-surface height to within a few centimetres. JASON-3 targets a wide range of applications in Meteorology, Oceanography and Climate Monitoring.
The Jason missions are equipped with radar altimetry sensors, the only instrument capable of observing the topography of the ocean surface. JASON-3 will provide global coverage every 10-days. Sea-surface topography provides insight on ocean currents, while in the long-term, sea level constitutes an important indicator of Climate Change. JASON-3 will therefore ensure the continuity of global mean sea level height initiated by Topex-Poseidon in 1992.
JASON-3 is a joint US-European project, involving: EUMETSAT, the European agency for the exploitation of meteorological satellites; CNES, the French space agency; and US agencies NOAA and NASA.
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