2016-10-10 (IPMA)
The European Commission announced the creation of the European Research Consortium EMSO – European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory, with its headquarters in Rome.
This consortium gathers 8 countries (France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, UK and Spain) and constitutes one of the underwater parts of COPERNICUS.
EMSO has the basic scientific objective of long-term monitoring, mainly in real-time, of environmental processes related to the interaction between the geosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, including natural hazards. It is composed of several deep-seafloor and water column observatories, deployed at key sites around European waters, from the Arctic to the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea, thus forming a widely distributed pan-European infrastructure.
The Portuguese contribution will be in two areas of the infrastructure, located in Azores and the Gulf of Cadiz. EMSO intends to be the deep water component for COPERNICUS and coordinates its activities with similar ones in Japan (DONET), USA and Canada (NEPTUNO).
EMSO – PT organizes the Portuguese participation in the initiative, bringing together 16 research institutions namely: ARDITI, CCMAR, CINTAL, CIIMAR, EMEPC, Fundação da FCUL, Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, INESCTEC, IMAR, IPMA, ISEP, IST, Universities of Évora, Aveiro, Beira Interior and Oporto.