2017-03-17 (IPMA)
World Meteorological Day is celebrated annually on 23 March to commemorate the entry into force of the Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization in 1950.
The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) as representative of Portugal in this Organization is associated to the celebration of this event.
Understanding clouds is the theme for World Meteorological Day 2017.
It is intended to emphasize the enormous importance of clouds in weather, climate and the hydrological cycle. They are central to weather observations and weather forecasting and are one of the main uncertainties in the study of climate change. Clouds play a key role in the water cycle and global distribution of water resources.
World Meteorological Day 2017 will be marked by the launch of a new digital edition of the International Cloud Atlas, which has undergone a thorough and detailed review. The new WMO Atlas is a document with hundreds of cloud images, including new types of newly classified clouds.
The day will be celebrated at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, room 6.2.56, Ed 6, at 3:00 p.m.