2016-05-16 (IPMA)
The website of the project BIOMETORE (www.biometore.pt) is online since today.
In www.biometore.pt you will be able to obtain information about all the activities developed within the project BIOMETORE, in particular information about the eight oceanographic surveys that the project is carrying through.
Four of these surveys have been carried out in 2015 and the remaining four are planned to be done the present year. Three of the cruises of 2015 took place in the area of the Great Meteor seamounts complex and one in the Madeira-Tore the seamounts complex. In 2016 is planned one cruise in June on board of the RV Arquipélago, one cruise in July on board of the RV Gago Coutinho and two cruises in August and September on board of the RV Noruega. All the cruises will take place in the Madeira-Tore complex of seamounts
The BIOMETORE has the objective of acquiring physical, chemical and biologic data, in selected areas of the seamounts complexes Great-Meteor and Madeira-Tore, in order to acquiring knowledge about the biodiversity in the pelagic and benthonic ecosystems, as well as the human pressure in these areas.
The collected information will contribute for the integrated knowledge and management of the ecosystems of the two main assemblies of seamount in the North Atlantic, the Madeira-Tore and the Great Meteor.
BIOMETORE is integrated in the EEA Grants program of “Good Environmental State (GES) of European marine and coastal waters”, promoted by the Directorate General for Maritime Policy (DGPM) and is executed within a consortium of twenty one Portuguese institutions and the IMR (Norway).
For more information please see: www.biometore.pt