2022-05-12 (IPMA)
Within the scope of the OBSERVA.PT (MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0002) and OBSERVA.FISH (PTDC/CTA-AMB /31141/2017) projects, IPMA started a collaboration with Empresa de Pesca S. Jacinto, S.A., from Coimbra, for the development of automatic ocean observing systems on board fishing vessels.
This collaboration and the support of Tiago Vaz Pais, CEO of the company, is an example of a good collaboration with the sector, which IPMA is very grateful and wishes to highlight, as an example to be followed by other companies. Thus, the company Undersee, installed in the trawler "Coimbra", a "ferrybox" (Undersee_water), which will continuously measure several oceanographic parameters (e.g., temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity), during the route of the ship to the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.
The trawler, an emblematic Portuguese vessel, was built in the S. Jacinto Shipyards in 1973, considered the most modern Portuguese vessel of that time, is still one of the few vessels of the national flag, which continues to make regular trips, to fish for codfish. "Coimbra" set sail from the harbour of Aveiro, on May 6th, 2022. We will regularly update this news during this fishing campaign of "Coimbra" trawler.
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