2025-01-10 (IPMA)
IPMA informs that a Workshop entirely dedicated to the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) will be held on 6 February 2025 at the Évora University.
IPMA has been actively contributing to CAMS for several decades, having recently joined the first consortium for the National CAMS Programme (NCP-CAMS), which is organising this Workshop in collaboration with the Portuguese Space Agency [https://ptspace.pt/pt/home/].
The event aims to publicise the CAMS service [https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/] and its applications, discuss different use cases with the national community and assess national needs to ensure that the services evolve appropriately.
This will be an opportunity to bring together experts in the field of air quality and atmospheric monitoring, discuss opportunities and define priorities at national and regional level, ensuring optimised use of these resources and technologies.
The sessions will be informal and interactive, so your participation will be essential for a productive debate.
On 7 February, a session dedicated to the potential of Earth observation for local public administration will take place at the same venue, the event ‘Earth Observation for Municipalities in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley and Alentejo Regions’, with a broader theme.
The agenda for both events is available at: https://ptspace.pt/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/CAMS_Agenda3.pdf
Registration is open until january 30th.