2022-10-10 (IPMA)
IPMA participated in the 5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a high CO2 World that took place in Lima, Peru, from the 13th to the 16th of September of 2022 and brought together some of the best worldwide ocean acidification experts.
This interdisciplinary symposium aimed to present the latest advances in observations, modelling and field and laboratory studies carried out to assess the impact of high CO2 and other stressors on marine ecosystems and organisms. Several dedicated sessions were also held with the objective to emphasize the processes and impacts as well as consequences for society to identify potential responses and solutions to face this global change.
The IPMA researcher Dr. Laura Sordo was funded by NASA, NOAA, the NSF and the SNMB project (Program MAR2020) to present her work on the effect of high CO2 on juvenile bivalves and on how water alkalinization can be a solution to mitigate the effect of ocean acidification in aquaculture. It was an exceptional event to expand the contact network and establish future collaborations.
Additional information about the symposium as well as the work presented by IPMA can be obtained through the links below.
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