2022-12-21 (IPMA)
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in partnership with Directorate-General for Maritime Policy (DGPM), the Portuguese National Funding Agency forSscience, Research and Technology., I.P. (FCT) and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), promotes surveys on the use of national public marine data, to which IPMA is partner.
The surveys will allow to understand the social value of these data, collecting useful information to guide future policies and will be open from 19th December 2022 until 17th February 2023.
One of the questionnaires is aimed at users of physical and biogeochemical ocean data, or others, according to the SeaDataNet vocabulary and parameters. It can be accessed in English here or in Portuguese here.
The other questionnaire is directed to users of the ocean economy satellite account or other data of socio-economic nature available in national public repositories. It can accessed in English here or in Portuguese here.