2022-08-29 (IPMA)
The final workshop of the European ShareMed project (interreg-med.eu) will take place between the 13th and 14th of September de 2022, in Malta, whose objective is to enhance the assessment capacity of partner countries in the identification of risks related to pollution and threats. environmental issues in the transnational waters of the Mediterranean.
The event is free, takes place in person but accepts remote participation (click below for more information) and the application deadline ends on 31 August.
The workshop aims to make known what has been achieved by the project and propose a final declaration with recommendations on governance structures and institutional agreements, in order to enhance cooperation in the Mediterranean, involving EU countries but also other countries with intervention in the area. This declaration will also aim at a trans-sectoral and trans-national agreement on observation and surveillance systems, in particular transboundary pollution and natural disasters in this area.
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS, is responsible for the organization of this event, wich is hosted by University of Malta, with IPMA being ShareMed partner.