2023-04-10 (IPMA)
IPMA actively participates in EuroCigua 2 whose main objective is to contribute to the full characterization of the risk of ciguatera poisoning in Europe.
Ciguatoxins (CTX) are very potent natural neurotoxins that can affect humans after eating contaminated fish. Ciguatoxins or their precursor compounds are produced by epiphytic microalgae (Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa) and enter the marine food chain through herbivorous fish and can reach human-hazardous concentrations in organisms at the top of the marine food chain. Although endemic to tropical areas such as the Caribbean or Polynesia, cases of poisoning have already been reported in Europe, particularly in Madeira and the Canary Islands. The Selvagens Islands appear to be a ciguatera hotspot in Europe. There are several reports of fish poisonings, both in Madeira and the Canary Islands, with fish caught in Selvagens Islands.
EUROCIGUA2 has the clear aim of complementing the work developed in the first part of the EUROCIGUA project. IPMA actively participates in EUROCIGUA 2 with the University of Vigo, Spain, in the Specific Agreement 4, which has the main goal of contributing to the full characterization of the ciguatera poisoning (CP) risk in Europe, in indigenous fish from EU Risk areas as well as in the microalgae responsible for the contamination of the fish in hotspot areas of Madeira Archipelago.
Imagens associadas
IPMA Eurocigua2 Team: Catarina Churro, Miguel Barbosa, Bárbara Frazão, Pedro Reis Costa, Susana Rodrigues