Acoustic survey PELAGO14 for the assessment of pelagic fish
2014-05-22 (IPMA)
The acoustic survey PELAGO14 for the assessment of pelagic fish (sardine, anchovy, chub mackerel, horse mackerel) has covered the continental shelf from Gibraltar to Lisbon and will continue to the northern Portuguese border. The survey samples indicate a diverse pelagic community in the southern waters, with sardine, chub mackerel, bogue, anchovy and several Trachurus species (horse mackerel, jack mackerel and Mediterranean mackerel). Off the southwest coast, bogue and chub mackerel dominated the samples. For curiosity, 14 ocean sunfish (Mola mola) with 36 to 50 cm total length occurred in the samples. Although the species is not uncommon on these surveys, it was relatively frequent this year. All individuals were released alive after the collection of biometric data. The ocean sunfish is the largest bony fish known. It inhabits temperate areas of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The ocean sunfish has a peculiar swimming mode due to the lack of a caudal fin. It feeds on zooplankton and small fishes and has usually a high incidence of parasites. This year, the PELAGO survey is taking place in parallel with the DEPM survey. The latter survey will provide an estimate of the sardine spawning biomass by the Daily Egg Production Method. Both surveys are funded by Program PNAB-EU DCF. IPMA acknowledges the support of the purse seine Producer Organizations to the execution of the surveys.
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