2022-09-06 (IPMA)
IPMA has published recently the e-book "Os peixes na rota de Magalhães - Proposta de nomenclatura portuguesa".
The book was written by IPMA researchers, Miguel Carneiro, Rogélia Martins, Dina Silva, Ivânia Quaresma and Irineu Batista and is part of the Commemorations of the V Centenary of the First Voyage of Circum-Navigation (1519-1522), carried out by Fernão de Magalhães and completed by Juan Sebastián Elcano.
During his life, Fernão de Magalhães sailed through seas and oceans and part of these geographical areas covered are now included in 47 exclusive economic zones under the jurisdiction of the current “countries” that administer them. In these regions there are about 9500 species of fish. In addition to these, other species not directly related to Fernão de Magalhães' routes are included, but which should be added.
The main objective of this book was to establish a single common Portuguese (European) name for each of the 16767 listed species, proposing it as an “official” Portuguese name.
As IPMA´s President, Miguel Miranda, states "Magalhães' voyage (...) showed definitively that the ocean unites and does not divide, that it promotes contact between cultures, and that it can be the main vehicle of humanity. For this to be possible, we have to build common forms of language and communication and bring together tradition, which is local, with science, which is universal. This work is a small contribution in that direction."
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