2022-03-25 (IPMA)
International Procedure Regarding the Selection of 3 Doctorates for the National Program of Biological Sampling (PNAB) (Decreto-Lei n.º 57/2016, de 29 de agosto)
The Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P. (IPMA) lauched an international procedure regarding the selection of 3 doctorates for the National Program of Biological Sampling (PNAB).
Applications must be submitted within the deadline of 10 (ten) working days - for three doctoral researcher positions (Reference A - Database programming; Reference B - Mathematical and statistical modelling; Reference C - Sampling Design and Fisheries Biology), with a fixed-term employment contract in public functions, for a period of three years, for the National Program of Biological Sampling (PNAB).