2022-09-27 (IPMA)
The 3rd Workshop "Operational Climate Prediction" (OCP-3), of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO/WMO), took place at the IPMA headquarters, in Lisbon, from 20 to 22 September 2022. The Expert Teams (ET- CSISO and ET-OCPS) of the WMO/WMO Technical Commissions met on the 19th and 23rd.
The event was attended by almost a hundred experts and researchers from the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (SMHN), the WMO Global Operational Forecast Centers (WMO-GPCs), universities and research centers around the world. .
In the opening session, chaired by Dr Ricardo Deus from IPMA, Dr Caio Coelho, President of the Organizing Committee, thanked IPMA for its availability and kindness in hosting a triennial event of great importance for the scientific, technical and user communities of weather forecast around the world. The President of IPMA, Professor Doctor Miguel Miranda, greeted the organizers and all the participants, and highlighted the growing relevance of long-term forecasting for the various economic sectors, including in key aspects today such as water management or energy. renewable.
The sessions and working groups resulted in several recommendations, of which the following stand out:
The closing session was attended by Dr Rupa Kumar Kolli and Dr Arun Kumar, Chairpersons of the WMO/WMO ET-CSISO and ET-OCPS Expert Teams, respectively; with Dr. William Merryfield, Chair of the Working Group on Sub-Seasonal to Interdecadal Forecasting (WGSIP) of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), and with Dr. Isabel Trigo on behalf of IPMA.
More information is available on the OCP-3 workshop website, including presentations made over the three days.
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