2024-08-07 (IPMA)
In the framework of investment C21-i07.01 - "Technical studies for offshore energy potential" of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan, the announcement of the procedure for the international public tender for "Acquisition of survey services for the 2025 geophysical and geotechnical data collection campaign" was published in the Diário da República1 and the Official Journal of the European Union2 .
The scope of the tender, with a base price of €30,000,000, is the acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical and geotechnical data in the geographical areas of Leixões and Figueira da Foz, proposed in the Allocation Plan for Offshore Renewable Energies (PAER) for the development of offshore energy potential. The tender is divided into four lots:
1) - Lot 1a - Leixões - Geophysics Campaign: €8,863,870;
2) - Lot 1b - Figueira da Foz - Geophysics Campaign: €15,533,694.00;
3) - Lot 2a - Leixões - Geotechnics Campaign: €2,131,225.00;
4) - Lot 2b - Figueira da Foz - Geotechnics Campaign: €3,471,211.00;
The deadline for submission of proposals to the tender at 11:59 pm on 01/09/2024, and the work should be completed in the 2nd quarter of 2026. Additional information for potential bidders can be found in Annex 1 (Link).
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