2023-12-19 (IPMA)
The meteo@IPMA APP, which provides meteorological information for the entire national territory with versions for Android and iOS mobile devices, has been completely renewed, with a new functionality relating to meteorological observations in almost real time, and is now available for free download.
meteo@IPMA provides updated and detailed weather forecast information for mainland Portugal, the Azores and Madeira, providing weather and sea information for more than 300 locations, including meteorological parameters such as precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, wind, fells-like temperature, sea water temperature, significant height and direction of the waves or ultraviolet index, with hourly, tri-hourly and daily data, for a period that reaches the 10 forecast days in some parameters. A highlight is the inclusion of new meteorological information in this version of the APP, much sought on the website and which is now made available in a simpler way: the Rural Fire Danger by municipality, with a daily forecast for 5 days.
The renewed meteo@IPMA brought with it a new functionality, meteorological observation. Therefore, we now have available on our cell phones all the meteorological information provided by the network of automatic surface stations regarding the parameters temperature, precipitation, wind and relative humidity, as made available online. We also added radar observation for the mainland territory and observation with satellite images on some selected channels.
The APP is available with Android and IOS operating systems and can be downloaded, respectively, from Google Play and APP Store.
We remember that the previous application underwent a mandatory update to its code to be compatible with generally used operating systems.
As part of its responsibilities as national authority for sea and atmosphere, IPMA also makes the following apps available free of charge: