2020-07-04 (Susana Freitas)
Very dry June in mainland Portugal
June was classified as very dry with an average amount of precipitation much lower than normal, only 27% of the average value. In most weather stations, precipitation values were much lower than normal in almost the entire territory, except in the Algarve and in particular in the Faro region where they were higher
Thus, there was a significant decrease in the percentage of water in soil throughout the territory (Figure 1 left) and an increase in the area in meteorological drought (Figure 1 right). The regions of the North-Center interior and the region of Lisbon and the Tagus Valley are in the class of weak drought and the South region is in the classes of weak drought and moderate drought.
Regarding the air temperature, the month of June was normal with an average value of the average air temperature very close to the average value 1971-2000 (-0.01 ° C).
The average value of the minimum air temperature was lower than the normal value with an anomaly of -0.62 ° C, being the 3rd lowest value since 2000; the average value of the maximum air temperature was 0.59 ° C higher than the normal value 1971-2000.
Until the 19th, the air temperature values were almost always lower than the average monthly value, as of the 20th there was an increase in the air temperature, in particular the maximum temperature, with emphasis on the 22, 23, 29 and 30 with an average maximum temperature in the territory above 30 ° C.
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