2020-07-04 (Susana Freitas)
August was classified as hot and summer * as very hot and very dry, according to the Climatological Summary recently published by IPMA.
The average value of the average air temperature, 22.76 ° C, was higher than normal 1971-2000 (+0.62 ° C).
The average value of the maximum air temperature, 30.00 ° C, was 1.20 ° C higher than normal and the average value of the minimum air temperature, 15.53 ° C, was close to the value (+0.03 ° C).
Concerning the period from 4th to 10th august there was a heat wave in some North and Center interior regions. On august 30th and 31st there were very low minimum air temperature values, having reached the lowest values of the minimum air temperature in august on about 10% of the mainland Portugal meteorological stations.
The period regarding january to august 2020 was the warmest in the last 90 years (since 1931), as it had happened in the first 7 months of this year. The 3 hottest january-august periods:
The precipitation average value amount in august, 13.9 mm, was very close to average values. The 20th of august stands out with very high daily precipitation values for the season in the North and Center regions, having exceeded the highest daily precipitation values (00h-24h) in some places on the territory Northeast region.
The situation of moderate, occasionally severe drought is maintained in Baixo Alentejo and Algarve; in the North and Center regions there was a decrease in the area in weak drought.
Summer * - very hot and very dry
It was the 13th warmest summer in the last 90 years, with an average air temperature of 22.42 ° C (+1.17 ° C) regarding normal value (Figure 1). Considering the series since 1931, it appears that 9 of the 15 hottest summers occurred after the year 2000, with 2005 being the warmest (23.43 ° C).
The average value of the maximum air temperature, 29.76 ° C was the 6th highest since 2000. The average value of the minimum air temperature, 15.08 ° C, was + 0.21 ° C higher than normal.
The precipitation total amount occurred in june to august, 26.7 mm, was lower than normal and represents about 45% of the average value.
(* Climatological summer: period from june 1st to august 31st)
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