2020-05-14 (IPMA)
IPMA and the Olympic Committee of Portugal celebrate protocol
to support the Portuguese Mission to the Olympic Games
The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, I.P (IPMA) and the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP) signed a Cooperation Protocol regarding the monitorization and support from the national meteorological service to the Portuguese Mission at the Olympic Games.
The Cooperation Protocol inlcudes the development of a website, by IPMA, exclusively dedicated to Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which will allow to receive climate information and meteorological forecasts in real time, with forecast terms ranging from the “next hours ”to“ next month ”. The most relevant meteorological parameters are air temperature and humidity, precipitation, wind direction and intensity, visibility and sea agitation. Additionally, forecasts of thermal comfort are also available, with a potential influence on the athletes' performance (see pdf document).
The website will be adapted to the Olympic Games calendar and venues, depending on any changes that may be made by the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Games Organizing Committee, following the postponement caused by the pandemic COVID-19, and that the COP will report to the IPMA in a timely manner.
Currently in the testing phase, the website may still be improved according to the information needs identified in the meantime.
For IPMA´s president, Miguel Miranda, “The challenge posed to us by the Olympic Committee of Portugal put to the test our ability to provide and integrate qualified meteorological information to support those who will represent us at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. It is a source of pride for us to be able to participate in this collective and national representation effort. ”
For COP´s president, José Manuel Constantino, : “We are very grateful to IPMA for the work that has been done and which is made available to the Portuguese Mission at the Olympic Games. Knowing the reality in Tokyo on the occasion of the Olympic Games in terms of atmospheric conditions, some of them strongly conditioning sports performance, this is an essential tool for athletes, coaches and managers to get to know the local reality in detail. And it is a great technical and scientific work from a prestigious national institution that we should be proud of and value. ”
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