2020-01-14 (IPMA)
From November 5, 2019 until today, January 13, 2020, more than 4000 earthquakes have been recorded and located in the region west of Faial Island (W de Faial), with values of local magnitude (Richter ) between 1.0ML and 4.7 ML.
The events of greatest magnitude occurred on November 5 at 6:22 pm (local time) and December 18 at 8:51 pm (local time) with local magnitude 4,6 and 4,7 (respectively). Of all recorded events, 35 were experienced with maximum intensities ranging from II / III to IV / V on the Modified Mercalli scale, and no damage was reported.
The location of the Azores archipelago, in the triple junction zone of the North American, Eurasian and Nubian lithospheric plates, gives it characteristics of intense seismic activity. The seismicity of the Archipelago is generally organized into seismic sequences, either as replicas of a major event, or as swarms or seizures of small to moderate magnitude, the strongest of which can be felt by the population.
The region west of the island of Faial (W de Faial) is one of the seismic zones where periods of intense seismic activity recur. Since dawn on November 5, 2019, an increase in time has been detected, with events located about 30 km west of Capelo. This seismic activity is still ongoing, although less frequently daily.
This activity has periods of greater energy release and quieter periods.
If this seismicity pattern is maintained, more earthquakes felt by the population are expected to occur.
Follow the seismic records in real time at the link below.
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