2019-10-04 (IPMA)
Today, October 4, marks the 73rd anniversary of the SMN - National Meteorological Service, criation of which IPMA - Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere, I.P. is the institutional heir.
Looking back in time the genesis of meteorological activity in Portugal, in a continuous manner and with published results, dates from the 18th century. In 1853, was created "the Infante D. Luís Observatory" wich marked the first central service of the Portuguese meteorological network, placing our country among the leading ones in the world with a public meteorological service.
In 1865 began a practice that still occurs today, the inclusion of the daily weather report in newspapers.
In 1946, the SMN was officially created, bringing together the existing scattered services in the area of meteorology and geophysics, and its headquarters were placed in Campo de Ourique, Lisbon.
Nowadays, IPMA assumes key responsabilities in vital areas for citizens and economy such as Meteorology, Aeronautical Meteorology, Geophysics, Oceanography, Biogeochemistry and the inherent research in these fields.
IPMA´s atual team gathers 414 employees and reserchers wich are distributed by the central services, the Regional Delegation of Madeira and the Azores, as well as the Aeronautical Centers and Meteorological Stations.
We invite you to follow our activity through our website and social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.