2018-03-09 (IPMA)
The average value of the average air temperature in February, 8.56 ° C, was lower than normal at -1.42 ° C, being the 3rd lowest value since 2000.
The mean value of minimum air temperature, 3.15 ° C, was lower than normal at -2.42 ° C, the 9th lowest value since 1931 and the lowest 3rd since 2000. The average value of the maximum air temperature, 13.96 ° C, was lower than normal at -0.42 ° C.
During the month the values of average air temperature presented values much lower than normal one in the first fortnight of the month, in particular between the 2 and 9 of February. During this period, the daily values of minimum temperature are also much lower than normal, with 6 February to 8 February below 0°C. Also on February 24 the average value of minimum air temperature was below 0°C. The highest values of the minimum temperature for the month of February in the stations of Covilhã, Aldeia do Souto were exceeded.
In February the average value of the amount of precipitation, 65.6 mm, was about 65% of normal, being classified this month as dry. It should be noted that it was the 11th consecutive month with monthly precipitation values below normal.
According to the meteorological index of drought PDSI, at the end of February the situation of meteorological drought was maintained in almost all the territory, being verified only in relation to 15 of February a decrease of the area in extreme drought.
At the end of this month about 84% of the territory was in severe and extreme drought (83% in severe drought and 1% in extreme drought).