2018-08-09 (IPMA)
At the end of 2016, the Argo float WMO-3901909 (Fig. 1) was launched onboard IPMA's RV Noruega during MEDUSA Trials cruise (see news on this release on IPMA news page).
After more than a year and a half, the float launched by the IPMA continues to be active and to drift northward, and is now in the Bay of Biscay (Fig. 1), having traveled about 364 nautical miles (~ 675 km). The float is being advected by the Mediterranean Water current, clearly identified in the TS diagram (Fig. 3a) and the vertical distribution of the salinity along the path (Fig. 3b) by a maximum of salinity at 1000-1200 m depth. So far (03-08-2018) 59 profiles of temperature and salinity have been performed.
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