2018-03-06 (IPMA)
On February 27, 2018, mainland Portugal was affected by a rare phenomenon – freezing rain. This phenomenon consists in the freezing on structures that are at negative temperatures (roofs, trees, etc ...) of precipitation that occurs in the liquid form (see example in figure 1).
This situation occurs when a mass of cold air (and with temperatures below 0 °C) that exists close to the surface, is affected by a warm front with precipitation and with higher temperatures (and above 0 °C) at higher levels above the surface.
All users of IPMA´s weather information are invited to share photos of this event, including their exact location through the IPMA community area at www.ipma.pt, directly through the address http://meteoglobal.ipma.pt/ or also through IPMA´s APP in "SEND OBSERVATION".
This information will be useful for a better characterization of this phenomenon, since its photographic identification is the only way to confirm its occurrence on a fine spatial scale.
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