2017-11-17 (IPMA)
The average amount of rainfall in mainland Portugal between 1st and 15th November was much lower than normal and corresponds to only 24% of the monthly average value.
According to the PDSI - Palmer Drought Severity Index, on November 15, there is an increase in the area under extreme drought throughout Portugal (Figure 1).
On November 15 about 6% of the territory was in severe drought and 94% in extreme drought.
Almost the whole territory has been in a severe and extreme drought for about 5/6 consecutive months. There has been no relief in the beginning of autumn, as would be normal and has occurred in other drought situations.
On November 15, most of the interior and southern regions of mainland Portugal have soil water values lower than 20%, even in some places near or equal to the point of wilting. In the regions of the North and Center coast the values generally varied between 20 to 60%.
The most likely scenario at the end of November is the continuation of the severity of the drought, taking into account the monthly forecast of the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF).
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