2017-11-30 (IPMA)
The month of November 2017 in Portugal mainland was very dry and hot.
The average value of the average air temperature in November was about 0.5°C higher than normal.
The average value of maximum air temperature was the 5th highest since 1931 and the highest in the last 36 years. The average value of minimum air temperature was lower than normal and corresponds to the 5th lowest value since 2000.
Regarding precipitation, the month of November was classified as very dry, with a mean value of precipitation in Portugal mainland corresponding to 50% of the normal value. This month was the 7th driest since 2000.
At the end of November, there was an increase in the percentage of water in the soil, particularly in the regions of the north and central coast (values above 40%), however in some places in the interior North and Center and in the South the values are still less than 20%.
According to the Palmer Drought Severity Index - PDSI, in November there was a slight reduction in drought intensity in the Northwest, Center and Southwest regions of the territory, whereby at the end of the month 3% of the territory was in moderate drought, 46 % in severe drought and 51% in extreme drought.
The fall of 2017 (September, October, November) in Portugal mainland was hot and extremely dry.
It was the driest 2nd fall since 1931 (after 1971) and the 5th hottest since 2000. It should be noted that the average maximum air temperature was the highest since 1931.
The precipitation deficit has worsened in recent months, with November being the 8th consecutive month with precipitation values below normal. This period, April to November, is the driest since 1931 (precipitation about 30% of normal).
The current drought situation at the end of November, compared to previous situations, is the one with the highest percentage of territory in severe and extreme drought classes (97% of the territory).