2017-05-02 (IPMA)
It is currently under way, from May 1st to June 15th, the intensive phase of the observation campaign at Serra do Perdigão (Vila Velha de Ródão), under the NEWA (New European Wind Atlas) project.
The project has 52 observation towers, equipped with instruments that measure wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity at different heights up to 100m. Of these towers, 47 were equipped by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), the rest being the responsibility of other project partners. This campaign also has several remote sensing instruments, such as lidars, which can measure the structure of the wind field.
NCAR, the University of Notre Dame and the Portuguese Institute for Sea and atmosphere (IPMA) will also be responsible for launching weather balloons to be launched at least 4 times a day.
IPMA, as a partner, also provides specific daily forecasts for that location.
See bellow article from Earth & Space Science News.
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