2017-01-16 (IPMA)
Since 1999, the Portuguese Meteorological Service has been involved in the OPERA project (Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather RAdar Information) of EUMETNET (European Meteorological Services Network).
For short, the objectives of OPERA are to provide a European platform wherein expertise on operationally-oriented weather radar issues is exchanged and, also, to develop, generate and distribute pan-European weather radar composite products.
Recently, the EUMETNET website has been updated, so that the pages are now readable with a smartphone.
Amongst the several currently generated products, it is possible to access MAXZ (maximum returns of reflectivity, dBZ), in an European composited loop, following the stated link (clicking on the composite image). This product allows the monitorization, at a continental scale, of the varied convective modes developing. An example of the last 25th april 2016 is presented (figure 1).
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