2013-08-07 (IPMA)
A workshop aiming to coordinate efforts on the Identification of Special Protection Areas for Seabirds along the Portuguese coast, took place in IPMA facilities in Algés on the 22nd and 23rd of July. Seabird experts and conservationists (Universidade de Aveiro, SPEA, Universidade do Minho, IPMA,ICNF) met in the framework of the project Life+ MARPRO,in order to commence the proceedings for the dentification of hotspots for species of interest, such as the Balearic shearwater, and select suitable SPAs.
This endeavour is initiated as a reply to EU calls for the establishment of an extensive network of Marine Protected Areas, as dictated by the EU’s Bird Directive. IPMA supports this effort by providing information on seabird prey distribution and relevant activity of different fisheries.
The workshop set in motion the procedures for the selection of new Natura 2000 sites in the Portuguese marine environment.