2014-07-09 (IPMA)
The Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute, I. P. just launched a new application for smartphones with the weather forecast information for over 300 locations in Portugal. The technology that supports this forecast brings together the best global meteorological model developed operated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, with high-resolution models operated by IPMA, and yet the information collected by our meteorological stations and the stations all organizations that collaborate with us.
By offering hourly forecasts for the atmosphere and the sea state are aware of the risks, particularly with regard to predicting the precipitation. The climatic characteristics of Portugal and the very local scales of precipitation and wind, in mountainous regions, contribute to the great difficulty of this determination. The methodology used is very sophisticated but only the interaction with users will be the critical test of its quality and usefulness.
The IPMA currently cooperates with volunteers, municipalities and other institutions that maintain weather stations. It is our intention to extend the local forecast, if we have the ability to access sufficient and credible long series. The new updates will bring the grow volume of local forecasting, approaching the institute of your most important goal: service to citizens.