Project Name | AIM - Inovação e Valorização da Aquacultura de Invertebrados Marinhos | |
Funding entity | FEAMP; Mar2020 | |
Project leader | Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera I.P. (IPMA) | |
Project manager | Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera I.P. (IPMA) | |
Description | The project aims to deepen the knowledge of reproductive biology and hatchery production of
various species of bivalves to implement restocking programs and improve productivity of the
aquaculture sector. Knowledge of reproductive strategy of the species will allow to answer to the
requires of the expanding bivalve hatcheries in Portugal, contributing with more information on the
optimization of production protocols, through the assessment of nutritional needs, making
profitable and revitalizing the production and commercialization of species with market potential.
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Start date | 2017-06-01 | |
End date | 2021-12-31 | |
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